We are living in a unique moment. Conversation Cafe can be a useful process to building connection and collective wisdom in a time of social distancing. To help facilitate this, we have created several resources to assist those who would like to utilize Conversation Cafe in an online format:
- Brief Hosting Guide in the Time of Pandemic: A brief instructional on how to host Cafes online, including tips for hosting on Zoom.
- Conversation Cafe “Mini Guide”: An electronic version of our wallet cards – all you need to know to host! We recommend sharing this with all participants.
- Conversation Cafe agreements: A pared down version of the Mini Guide with JUST the agreements. Great for use in any online conversation!
- Questions for Cafes in the Time of Pandemic: A list of potential questions and topics related to this unique moment.
- Tips for Participating in Zoom Conversation Cafes: A quick guide to using Zoom for Conversation Cafe.
Hosting an online Conversation Cafe? If you are looking to open the event to others, please share it using this form for posting on the NCDD Events Calendar and the Conversation Cafe site.